Class CalendarEvent



autofillWaitlist?: boolean

When rsvpLimit is set, users from the waitlist will be added as space becomes available in the event.

cancellation?: CalendarEventCancellationPayload

The cancellation details of the calendar event.

channelId: string

The ID of the channel where the calendar event exists in.

client: Client
color?: number

The color of the calendar event.

createdAt: Date

The date of the calendar event's creation.

createdBy: string

The ID of the user who created the calendar event.

description?: string

The description of the calendar event.

duration?: number

The duration of the calendar event.

groupId: string

The ID of the group where the calendar event exists in.

id: number

The ID of the calendar event.

isAllDay?: boolean

Whether the calendar event is all day.

location?: string

The location of the calendar event.

mentions?: MentionsPayload

The mentions of this calendar event.

name: string

The name of the calendar event.

private?: boolean

Whether the calendar event is private.

repeats?: boolean

Whether it is a repeating calendar event.

roleIds?: number[]

The IDs of the roles to restrict the calendar event to.

rsvpDisabled?: boolean

Whether users can RSVP to the calendar event.

rsvpLimit?: number

The number of RSVPs to allow before waitlisting RSVPs

seriesId?: string

The ID of the calendar event series.

serverId: string

The ID of the server where the calendar event was created.

startsAt: Date

When the calendar event stars.

url?: string

The URL associated with the calendar event.