Class Channel



archivedAt?: Date

The date of the channel's archival.

archivedBy?: string

The ID of the user who archived the channel.

categoryId?: string

The ID of the category which this channel exists in.

client: Client
createdAt: Date

The date of the channel's creation.

createdBy: string

The ID of the user who created the channel.

groupId: string

The ID of the group which this channel exists in.

id: string

The ID of the channel.

messageId?: string

The ID of the message that this channel was created off of. (applicable to chat, voice & stream channels)

name: string

The name of the channel.

parentId?: string

The ID of the immediate parent channel. (applicable to chat, voice & stream channels)

priority?: number

The priority (position) of the channel.

rootId?: string

The ID of root channel. (applicable to chat, voice & stream channels)

serverId: string

The ID of the server where the channel was created.

topic?: string

The topic of the channel.

type: ServerChannelType

The type of the channel.

updatedAt?: Date

When the webhook was updated.

visibility?: ServerChannelVisibility

The visibility of the channel. (public or private)
