Class Embed



author?: EmbedAuthorPayload

The author of the embed.

color?: number

The color of the embed.

description?: string

The description of the embed.

fields?: EmbedFieldPayload[]

The fields of the embed.

footer?: EmbedFooterPayload

The footer of the embed.

image?: EmbedImagePayload

The image of the embed.

thumbnail?: EmbedThumbnailPayload

The thumbnail of the embed.

timestamp?: Date

The timestamp of the embed.

title?: string

The title of the embed.

url?: string

The URl of the embed, accessible by clicking on the embed's title.


  • Set the author of the embed.


    • Optionalname: string

      Name of the author.

    • Optionalurl: string

      URL to linkify the author's name field.

    • Optionalicon_url: string

      URL of a small image to display to the left of the author's name.

    Returns Embed

    The embed.

  • Set the description of the embed.


    • description: string

      The description.

    Returns Embed

    The embed.

  • Set the fields of the embed.


    • fields: EmbedFieldPayload | EmbedFieldPayload[]

      The fields.

    Returns Embed

    The embed.

  • Set the footer of the embed.


    • text: string

      Text of the footer.

    • Optionalicon_url: string

      URL of a small image to put on the footer.

    Returns Embed

    The embed.