Class Group



archivedAt?: Date

The date when the group was archived.

archivedBy?: string

The ID of the user who archived the group.

avatar?: string

The URL of the group's avatar.

client: Client
createdAt: Date

The creation date of the group.

createdBy: string

The ID of the user who created the group.

description?: string

The description of the group.

emoteId?: number

The ID of the group's emote.

home?: boolean

Whether this group is the server's home group.

id: string

The ID of the group.

name: string

The name of the group.

public?: boolean

Whether this group is public.

serverId: string

The ID of the server which this group belongs to.

updatedAt?: Date

The date when the group was updated.


  • Add a Guilded server member to this Guilded group.


    • userId: string

      The ID of the Guilded user.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Add a Guilded server member to this Guilded group.


    • userId: string

      The ID of the Guilded user.

    Returns Promise<void>